I am a late twenty-something stay at home mom to a wonderful little boy, and in an amazing relationship with my hubby. I have always loved to clip coupons, but it has become more and more out of necessity the past few years. With all the economy changes, a 4 1/2 year old with high functioning autism (slightly expensive), and a single income, it became my "job" to save money. I originally starting cutting our grocery budget down each month, bit by bit, by shopping sales flyers, avoiding extras, buying mostly no-name product (which is good, don't get me wrong). Then advanced to using a few coupons, then more, then learning coupon policies, starting to match coupons to flyers, stockpiling both coupons and product, to current. Having a binder of coupons, working daily on finding the cheapest deal using coupons, getting upwards of 100 coupon inserts each time from the paper, 3 times per month. It's become my way of life, more like our way of life. Our son calls me "crazy coupon momma". The one thing I can say, alot of the free excess product gets donated to various charities.
Our new lifestyle has it's perks. I don't constantly run to the grocery store. It saves shopping trips. And money. Simply put. We love to travel and be on the go, so hopefully saving money by couponing will allow us to do more of it!
So, enjoy my adventures, follow my finds, and I hope it inspires you to clip a coupon, shop for the sales, and love the thrill of the hunt--for the best deal! And feel free to let me know what you think, leave some comments, deals and experiences. Happy clipping!
~Calgary Coupon Momma~